Facing Digestive Problems? Follow These Tips To Improve Digestion System Naturally
If after every meal, you experience problems like gas, heartburn, bloating, constipation, or nausea, no need to fret as you are not alone. 1 out of every 5 people complains about bad digestive problems, which lead to inconvenience and embarrassment. The symptoms of digestive disorders like bloating, constipation, gas, etc., need immediate attention as they can manifest into chronic health disorders if remain unattended. So, if you are looking for a successful “recipe” for good digestion, follow these tips. These tips will not only reduce the occurrence of digestive problems but also improve your overall health conditions in the long run.
Alter Your Eating Habits –
The way a person eats and the kind of food items eaten impact the digestive system. So, primarily, a person needs to ditch the bad food items which cause inflammation in the body and replace them with nutrient-dense and nourishing food items.
- Opt For Whole Grains – Allow your gut system to work adequately by starting feasting on whole grains. For instance, prefer eating brown rice or whole wheat instead of white rice and bread respectively. It is because whole grains are rich sources of fiber and nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids. Moreover, by eating fiber-rich food our colon functions optimally as it requires a minimum of 25 grams of fiber on a regular basis.
- Eat Leafy Greens Rich Diet – Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale to name a few are excellent sources of not only fiber but nutrients like vitamin C, folate, vitamin A and K. Many pieces of research show that leafy green vegetables are rich in certain kinds of sugar that promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria in the body.
- Incorporate Healthy Fats – Eating healthy fat not only makes you satisfied but is required for ensuring proper nutrient digestion. So, try to incorporate food items that are rich in a healthy fat like omega-3 fatty acids. Nuts like walnut, chia and flax seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and prevent inflammatory bowel disease.
- Get Probiotics – Probiotics improve gut health magnificently. Yogurt is rated as one of the best forms of probiotics so try to eat a bowl with your lunch on a regular basis.
- Go For Glutamine – Glutamine is one nutrient that supports the regeneration and repairing process of the intestinal lining and reduces inflammation. A person can either take the glutamine in a natural way by eating food like eggs, fish, meat, beans, parsley, etc., or in supplement forms. There are many glutamine supplements available in the market but some are chemical rich, which may upset the stomach. So, take these supplements only after consultation with a nutritionist.
- Binge On Low-Fructose Fruits – If you often face problems with bloating and gas, you need to reduce the consumption of fruit sugar in your diet on an immediate basis. Certain fruits like mango, apple and pears are high in fructose level; replace them with low-fructose fruits like oranges, berries and bananas. Banana is a very good source of low-fructose fruit as it is fiber-rich and stimulates the growth of good bacteria.
- Food Items To Avoid – Stay away from artificial sweeteners as they interfere with the smooth working of gut bacteria. Processed food items are rich in refined sugars, chemicals and colors, score zero on nutritional value and harm the liver and kidneys to a great extent. So, reduce the number of processed food items in your diet. Do not include gluten and processed soy in your diet as sometimes consumption of these food items lead to food allergy and hormonal imbalance in the body respectively.
- Never Combine Fruits With Carbohydrates – Fruits like bananas or strawberries should not eat in combination with potato or grain. The logic is simple to guess. When a person eats carbohydrates and fruits together, he is creating competition for the digestive system as the body needs to digest both but the question is which food item will digest first. And in this rat race, the fruit never wins. So, the ideal way of eating fruit is either 30 minutes prior to lunch or after an hour of lunch.
- Do Not Overeat – When a person eats food more than his stomach can accommodate, the digestion process takes time. In the meantime, a person experiences problems of indigestion and acid reflux as the number of digestive enzymes produced due to overeating are unable to break down the food completely. So, prefer eating lesser than you desire, especially during night time.
An important fact necessary to highlight is good digestion always starts with the mouth. So, make sure whatever you eat, chew your food properly. If a person chews food properly, the body produces enough saliva. The saliva further helps in breaking down the fats and carbs in the diet properly and aids the digestion process. When a person starts chewing food properly, he will seldom experience problems with heartburn and digestion.
Drink Water Even When Not Thirsty – Taking a lesser amount of fluid is one of the primary reasons for constipation. Health experts strictly recommend drinking a minimum of 1.5-2 liters of water in a day especially if you are living in a warm environment or indulging in a strenuous activity regime. The fluid not only includes water; Herbal teas and non-caffeinated beverages are equally good to sip regularly. The fluid intake of the body is easy to meet when a person eats such vegetables and fruits that are high in water content like cucumber, watermelons, tomatoes, strawberries, etc.
Love Your Liver – The strong digestive system is an indicator of a healthy liver. So, if a person is eating healthy food items, he is actually benefitting his liver by allowing it to work effectively and efficiently. Alcohol acts as a poison for a healthy digestive system. So, try to abstain from alcohol as much as possible and eat those foods that the liver loves to digest like freshly squeezed juices, beetroot, carrots, etc. If you are ditching the drinking habit, simultaneously ditch the habit of smoking as well. Smoking develops the risk of acid reflux and quitting it improves the symptoms like heartburn, indigestion, etc.
Manage Stress – No wonder you experience a hectic day at work complimented with an upset stomach. You might feel astonished to hear the fact that stress not only interferes with the mind but complicates the working of the digestive system as well. So, make it a routine activity to indulge in stress-buster activities which refresh your mind, body and soul. Devoting 20-30 minutes a day to activities like yoga, dancing, cooking, etc., on a regular basis is enough for relaxing your body and mind. Meditation is one of the best ways to feel relaxed after a long and hectic day at work.
Stay Active – Make it a routine to lead an active lifestyle either by sweating hard at the gym or walking briskly for 20-30 minutes a day. If you are unable to devote 20-30 minutes time at a stretch either in the morning or in the evening, prefer taking a short post-meal walk. A 15 minutes walk after every meal is more effective than a 45-minute walk once a day.
Detox Diet – Reset your entire digestion system by opting for a detox diet on a regular basis, say once a week. Amla Juice and Aloe Vera juice work great in detoxing the body as a whole. Even a person can opt for fasting once a week to ensure the healing process of the digestion system.
The Bottom Line – If you are experiencing chronic digestive symptoms, making certain changes in your lifestyle and diet is inevitable. Give weightage to probiotics, whole grains, healthy fat, leafy vegetables and low fructose fruits. Stay hydrated throughout the day. Keep yourself away from bad drinking and smoking habits. Manage your stress by indulging in those activities which you really enjoy. Lastly, follow an active lifestyle by doing some sort of physical exercise for a minimum of 20 minutes a day.
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