12 Health Conditions Showing Symptoms Similar To Menstrual Period
A normal menstrual cycle usually lasts around 28 days. In some women, the cycle cuts down to 23-24 days or stretches till 34-35 days and this is absolutely normal also. Sometimes, they experience missed periods, oddly heavy flow, or a less-than-usual cycle due to certain medical health conditions. Health experts believe abnormal cycles once or twice a year are absolutely normal but if the symptoms stay similar for recurrent three months or more, it is important to check with Gynecologist.
For instance, many women experience bleeding or painful cramping in the middle of the menstrual cycle. However, only a handful of them pays attention to these symptoms and discusses the case with Gynecologist. But the fact is some of the period symptoms are tell-tale signs of serious health problems which demand immediate medical attention.
Assorted below are some of the health problems that show symptoms similar to periods, but usually experience due to some other factors:
Table of Contents
Toggle1. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
If facts to consider, as many as 10% of women of reproductive age have PCOS. It is a condition that affects the hormone levels in females and leads to irregular periods, lighter or heavier periods, or no periods. This is one of the conditions that lead to infertility and many other serious health conditions like diabetes and health conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to watch the bleeding levels during the menstrual cycle and if you are experiencing an irregular cycle or irregular blood flow on a regular basis, it is an alarming bell.
2. Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Hypothalamic Amenorrhea is a condition in which a woman does not get menses due to abnormality with normal hypothalamic pituitary ovarian axis activation. It is a condition that usually develops due to poor eating habits, too much exercise, or psychogenic stress. So, next time, if your period stops suddenly, do not feel relaxed. Go for a thorough internal check-up instead.
3. Uterine Fibroids
Uterine Fibroids are a condition in which overgrowth of the muscle cells takes place inside the uterus. It shows symptoms similar to periods like pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, etc., and sometimes leads to infertility also. The condition is common in females lying in the age group of 30-40 years. Uterine Fibroids are neither cancerous in nature not it is life-threatening. Because it causes symptoms similar to the menstrual cycle, it becomes difficult also to detect.
4. Diastasis Recti
It happens that sometimes a woman does not lose her belly weight after one year of pregnancy. There may be a possibility that she is suffering from diastasis recti. This is the condition in which rectus abdominis muscles in the abdomen separate during pregnancy. These muscles stabilize the core by holding the internal organs. When the belly expands during nine months of pregnancy, the connective tissues stretched and pull apart the rectus abdominis. Due to this condition, women experience abdominal wall pain which looks similar to normal cramping.
5. Painful Bladder Syndrome
Internal Cystitis (IC) or painful bladder syndrome is a chronic bladder problem. The bladder performs the function of holding pee once the kidneys filter it out but before urinating. This condition leads to pressure and pain below the belly button, lower tummy, pelvis, urethra, etc., Many women experience pain in the vagina, vulva, etc., also. The pain is similar to period pain with the only difference being period pain usually goes away in a few days whereas the IC pain lingers for months.
6. Endometriosis
This condition occurs when the tissue that lines the endometrium (inside of the uterus) – starts growing outside the uterus. The tissues usually grow in the pelvic tissue, fallopian tubes, ovaries, etc., and result in bleeding (sometimes with clotting) heavier than normal accompanied by pain. The condition is easy to treat with over-the-counter medications if detected early. In case, medicines do not work, surgery is the only resort for removing the overgrowth of tissues.
7. Cancer
Endometrial cancer or uterine cancer occurs once a woman reaches the stage of menopause. This condition usually shows symptoms like irregular bleeding, and low bleeding followed by pain. Even other conditions like vaginal and cervical cancer cause irregular bleeding along with painful urination, abdominal pain and vaginal discharge.
8. Diabetes
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are linked with menstrual issues. Women with type 1 diabetes experience longer period cycles with heavy bleeding and pain. Similarly, type 2 diabetes results in longer than normal cycles along with pain if a woman is diabetic and obese also. So, if you are experiencing both symptoms, it is good to go for a diabetes test.
9. Von Willebrand Disease
Any blood disorder that causes problems with clotting usually leads to period problems. One such example is Von Willebrand disease. It is an inherited bleeding disorder that leads to menstrual abnormalities like heavy bleeding for more than seven days and blood clots bigger than normal size. Many studies reveal the fact that most women with chronic heavy periods are diagnosed with von Willebrand disease. Thus, if you are experiencing heavy bleeding on a regular basis, do not ignore it and seek a consultation with Gynecologist and Obstetrician.
10. Hernia
Hernia occurs when there is a hole or weakness in the muscular wall, peritoneum. The peritoneum performs the function of keeping abdominal organs in place. This defect in the muscular wall produces a bulge. Any condition that puts pressure on the abdomen like constipation, etc., can lead to a hernia. Though the condition is harmless, it does show symptoms like genital and pelvic pain which looks similar to period cramps. The condition is not life-threatening in nature and goes away on its own, it sometimes demands surgery in serious cases. Thus, if you experience pelvic pain during and after the menstrual cycle, discuss your condition with Gynecologist on an immediate basis.
11. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
A women experience Pelvic Inflammatory Disease when the fallopian tubes, ovaries, or any other reproductive organ is infected due to a sexually transmitted disease like chlamydia or gonorrhea. Some of the common symptoms of PID are spotting, bleeding, extra-painful menstrual cramps, discharge from the urethra or vagina. It is important to seek early treatment for the condition which otherwise leads to infertility.
12. Constipation
Many women experience pelvic pain which is similar to the one experienced during the period cycle. However, the pain is caused due to conditions like constipation. Some females face the constipation problem on a regular basis and many others experience it during the periods. Whatever the case, it is important to eat fiber-rich food and drink an adequate amount of liquid so that stools are easy to pass on a regular basis.
To conclude, it is important to pay attention to your menstrual cycle on a regular basis. And the next time, if you experience any of the changes in your normal menstrual cycle – be it related to delay or early arrival of menses, pain level, or blood flow, do not follow a casual attitude. Fix an appointment with an obstetrician or gynecologist on a priority basis and get your facts right.
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Disclaimer: It is to notify you that the information covered in the aforementioned article is for general purposes only and should not be considered as professional medical advice. It is always better to consult your Obstetrician or Gynecologist if you are experiencing any health issues and want your queries to be resolved.