Treat Vaginal Itching In A Natural Way By Adopting Home Remedial Measures
Itching on any body part causes discomfort. Especially, when it occurs in the vagina, it is extremely painful and unbearable. Most women plan to visit gynecologists for internal body check-ups when health issues arise. Many times, when they face any symptoms like a burning sensation in urination or vaginal itching, they opt for OTC treatments instead. OTC treatments do give favorable results provided the cause of the vaginal itching is clear. Several medical conditions may show similar symptoms. For instance, vaginal itching may be a symptom of menopause or yeast infection. The symptom is similar but the treatment does differ. The same is the case with vaginal itching. It is one symptom that is easy to treat by following the right home remedies. Let’s discuss the causes of vaginal itching and natural ways to treat it.
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ToggleSkin Diseases
The skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema cause itching and redness in both male and female genital regions. Eczema also known as atopic dermatitis is a reddish rash with a scaly and itchy texture. Psoriasis is another common skin condition that leads to red, itchy and scaly patches which usually form along the joints and scalps. Sometimes, women experience itchy symptoms in the vagina as well.
These skin diseases usually occur due to poor hygiene habits or lifestyle factors. Therefore, give a try to natural ways to get relief from the vaginal itching and burning sensation.
- Primarily, avoid wearing tight clothes especially if you are living in a warmer environment and feeling discomfort due to itching and rashes. Opt for 100 % cotton underwear and if possible allow your vagina to breathe easily by not wearing underwear during the night time.
- Apply either petroleum jelly or coconut oil on the affected area. Take either little petroleum jelly or coconut oil on your finger and rub it on the affected area. You will definitely get respite and a soothing feeling immediately.
Yeast Infections
Yeast is a fungus that is naturally present in the vagina. Sometimes, it may lead to an infection known as vaginal yeast which causes itching and discomfort. It is a common infection that occurs in 4 out of 5 women at some point in their lives and taking antibiotics on a regular basis is one of its main causes. Some of the common symptoms of yeast infection are watery vaginal discharge, itching, burning sensation and vaginal rash.
If you are sure that vaginal itching is the outcome of yeast infection, use Antifungal Cream. Apply the cream to the outer part of the vagina for regular 5-7 days. The antifungal medications available in the form of pills and ointments are equally effective.
A word of caution: If no relief is observed even after applying it regularly for a week, seek medical attention on an immediate basis.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial Vaginosis also known as BV is like a yeast vaginal infection that occurs when there is an imbalance between bad and good bacteria in the vagina. Some of the common symptoms of the condition are foul-smelling discharge, dull gray or white discharge and foamy discharge from the vagina. In many cases, women do not experience any symptoms other than vaginal itching. Although it can occur in any age group, women falling in the reproductive age are likely to affect the most. Unprotected sex further raises the risk of infection.
Many health experts believe vaginal itching caused due to BV is easy to treat with probiotic supplements. It is because the probiotics help in increasing the growth of good bacteria in the vagina and keep a check on the growth of bad bacteria. Even a probiotic diet also helps in treating the infection. In order to gather information about how to take probiotic supplements and what is the ideal dosage amount in a day, consultation with a gynecologist or obstetrician is a must.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
When a person enjoys sex with an infected person, he becomes the victim of a sexually transmitted disease. The STDs usually cause vaginal itching, burning sensation during urinating, yellow or green vaginal discharge and pain also. Some of the common STDs are trichomoniasis, genital herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia and genital warts.
If STDs lead to vaginal itching, follow these measures to get instant relief:
- If you use lubricants during sex, opt for a natural lubricant – coconut oil.
- If you are using protection like condoms during sexual intercourse, go with silicone-based and fragrance-free lubricants.
- If you are allergic to latex, gift your partner polyisoprene or latex-free condoms. The latex-free condoms are highly recommended as they are ultra-comfortable, soft, and pre-lubricated.
- Lastly, abstain from sex for a few days and avoid having sex with multiple partners.
Women who are experiencing the menopause stage are likely to suffer from vaginal itching. The reason is, the estrogen level reduces during menopause which leads to vaginal atrophy. This is a condition in which the vagina becomes excessively dry and dryness further causes itching and irritation.
If you are looking for an over-the-counter method of treating vaginal dryness, give a try to vaginal moisturizers, tablets, or estrogen creams. The vaginal moisturizer and cream increase lubrication in the vaginal area, make vaginal tissues more elastic and thicker and reduces dryness. One can limit the usage to two to five times in a week by applying gently around the vaginal opening.
Skin Irritants
Sometimes, irritating chemicals cause vaginal itching. These irritants trigger allergic reactions to various parts of the body including the vagina. Some of the common chemical irritants are creams, douches, feminine sprays, soap, scented toilet paper, ointments, etc. Even many feminine products like tampons, pads, or feminine deodorants cause minor to moderate vaginal itching.
The itching usually goes away as soon as the female stops using products like feminine wipes, sprays and deodorants. Even if she wants to use products, go for unscented and fragrance-free products. For instance, go with soap having high moisturizer content. Females can use it on the vulva (outside the vagina) on a regular basis.
Vulvar Cancer
In very rare cases, vaginal itching is one of the main symptoms of vulvar cancer. It is a kind of cancer that develops in the outer party of the female’s genitals i.e. in the vulva including the clitoris, outer lips of the vagina, and opening of the vagina. Many times, females do not experience any symptoms of vulvar cancer which otherwise comprises abnormal bleeding, itching and pain in the vulvar area.
There is no over-the-counter way of treating vulvar cancer. Early diagnosis is the only way of treating the condition successfully. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist for yearly check-ups.
To conclude, most causes of vaginal itching are easy to prevent in a natural way by practicing healthy lifestyle habits and good hygiene. Some of the common ways to keep vaginal itching at bay are:
- Wash your genital area on a regular basis with a gentle cleanser and warm water
- Avoid using bubble baths, scented lotions and soaps
- Use latex-free condoms during sexual intercourse
- Eat probiotic-rich food like yogurt regularly to reduce the occurrence of yeast infections
- Make it a practice to wear cotton underwear on a daily basis and change it every day.
- Immediately change your wet or damp clothes after indulging in strenuous activity like swimming
- Avoid using douches and vaginal sprays
- Always wipe your vagina from front to back after urination and bowel movement
Follow these general hygiene tips on a regular basis and your vagina will never become a matter of worry or discomfort for you.
Disclaimer: The natural remedies mentioned above are for general information for the users. These tips should not be treated as a part of professional medical advice. It is always better to visit an experienced and professional healthcare provider if you are suffering from any medical condition and looking for the right treatment.