Easy-To-Follow Tips For Controlling Weight Gain During Menopause
Menopause is a natural process in a woman’s body. It is a stage when a woman stops ovulating and her menstruation i.e., monthly period stops. It usually occurs after 50 years of age; however, some females start experiencing the condition after 40 years. The official stage of menopause begins when a woman does not experience her period for complete one year. As she approaches towards menopause stage, certain body changes like an increase in weight, skin changes associated with dryness of the skin or loss of elasticity, vaginal dryness, mood swings, loss of hair growth, etc., are evident and natural also. Amongst all these changes, weight gain is the most prominent one and a matter of concern for all.
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ToggleWhy Does Menopause Lead To Weight Gain?
It often happens that a woman experiences an increase in weight after menopause due to a variety of factors:
Increase In Estrogen Level – Estrogen usually controls the body weight in females. It is also responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle, maintaining bone health, sex characteristics, etc. The reduced estrogen level further reduces the metabolic rate of the body, which helps in converting stored energy into a working one. Lack of estrogen leads reduces the body’s ability to use blood sugar and starches less effectively, due to which body fat increases.
Reduce In Muscle Mass – As a woman becomes old, she experiences loss of muscle mass. The loss of muscle mass actually slows down the metabolism rate of the body due to which calories are not burned effectively. This is one of the main reasons that menopausal women find shedding extra kilos a challenging task.
Lack Of Sleep – It is observed that not getting a sound sleep of 6-8 hours increases hunger pangs and thus indulges people in eating more than the body requires. This leads to additional weight gain.
Some other factors like lack of physical exercise, genetic factors, family history of obesity, usage of certain medicines and unhealthy eating habits also contribute to menopause weight gain.
Is Menopause Weight Gain Risky?
Yes, weight gain due to any condition may lead to serious health implications. Most women experience weight gain around the abdomen or midsection. The increase in weight increases the risk of:
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Thyroid disorder
- Breathing problems
- Various kinds of cancer like colon, breast and endometrial cancers
During such phases, weight gain is inevitable and there is no magic wand that reverses the menopause process. But, there are some weight-control basic tips that help the female fraternity to maintain ideal body weight by shedding those extra kilos.
Increase In Physical Activity
There is no denying the fact that regular exercise promotes the physical health of the body. Regular exercise is one of the key ways to build muscle mass which eventually helps in increasing metabolism. For healthy adults, experts recommend moderate aerobic and strength training exercises for a minimum of 150 minutes a week. If they are indulging in vigorous aerobic activities, devoting 75 minutes per week is ideal. Some of the best forms of aerobic exercises are walking, swimming, jogging, etc. If a person is not physically active, he can start the exercise schedule with the following day-to-day activities:
- Doing Gardening
- Taking Stairs instead of elevators
- Taking a dog for a walk
- Walking while taking phone calls
Strength training exercises are good to practice 2 times a week as these exercises build muscle mass and reduce body fat.
Exercise In The Company Of Friends Or A Social Group
One of the best ways of making any boring activity interesting is to involve those people whom you love and admire like your friends and relatives. Some people require some kind of motivation even for starting with basic cardiovascular exercises like jogging, swimming, dancing, walking, etc. So, find a friend of your age group who is ready to sweat hard with you. If you are unable to find your jogging partner, join a local gym nearby. Active participation in group fitness classes promotes the physical, mental, and emotional health of a person. Social connections even help in keeping stress at bay.
Binging On Nutrient-Rich Food
To maintain an ideal body weight in the ’50s and ’60s, a body requires fewer calories than it requires during 30’ and 40s. Therefore, alter your diet plan in such a manner that you will eat all essential nutrients in a limited diet. Eating nutrient-dense and healthier food items would be your eating mantra for all snacks and meals. Increase intake of colorful vegetables and fruits, lean sources of proteins and whole grains, healthful fats like avocados or olive oil, legumes, etc. Strictly limit the intake of an animal-based fat like red meat, chicken, etc.
Start paying attention to what you are eating and drinking. Soft drinks are high in sugar and carry extra calories, therefore avoid them and replace them with fruits and vegetable juices. Even alcoholic beverages add extra calories, therefore limiting their intake.
Processed food items are high in saturated or fat items. Some examples of processed food items are:
- Pastries, cookies, donuts, etc.
- White Bread
- Foods with added sugar or oil
- processed meats like hot dogs or bologna
Thus, limit their intake to a minimum. If you are unable to prepare your diet chart, seek the help of a professional nutritionist.
Say No To Mindless Eating
Today, people are eating out more often. They prefer trying various kinds of dishes at restaurants which only add to their calories. To make matter worse, they order either sugar-sweetened beverages or ice creams. Many times, it even happens due to peer or family pressure, they opt for dining out and eating even with a full stomach. This actually leads to weight gain in the body. So, the key is if you are eating out, opt for healthy snack items or salads.
Take Adequate Rest And Sleep
Researches prove that leptin and ghrelin hormones become dysfunctional when a body does not get enough sleep. Therefore, a person feels more hungry than usual and starts consuming extra calories. Moreover, factors like night sweats and hot flashes also disrupt sleep patterns. So, if you are trying your luck to control body weight without fixing insomnia, it would lead to no result.
Getting enough sleep of 7-8 hours is essential for maintaining a healthy weight. Try to maintain a sleep schedule and stick to it. Go to the bed at the same time every day and if possible take your last meal at least 2-3 hours before sleeping. To add further, keep lights dim during sleep.
Make Productive Lifestyle Changes
Include healthful habits in your daily routine. Instead of partying, plan a cooking or home cleaning session for half or one hour a day. This will keep you busy and add to your exercise regimen.
Seek Support
Surround yourself with family members and friends, who encourage your efforts of indulging in regular physical exercise schedules and mindful eating habits. If you are tech-savvy, share your success stories on social media and encourage others also to follow the suit.
The Bottom Line
An increase in body fat during menopause is a natural and irreversible process. The dip in estrogen level, reduction in metabolic rate and muscle mass, and low-quality sleep are factors that contribute to the increase in body fat. To reduce unwanted body fat, permanent changes in eating patterns and lifestyle are inevitable. Indulging in healthy eating habits and remaining physically active 5 times a week will definitely give the desired results by reducing body weight. So, commit yourself to these changes today and lead a healthier life.
Similar read: A Step-by-Step Guide To Losing Weight Following Pregnancy
Disclaimer – This is to bring to your kind attention that the information contained in the article is meant for general purposes only; do not consider it as a piece of professional medical advice. In case of any health problem due to Menopause, consultation with an experienced gynecologist is necessary.